Improve Sleep: “I don’t wake up exhausted anymore”

Rebecca struggled with poor sleep, irritability, and self-harm. After experiencing a series of sessions, she saw improvement in all these areas. She also saw dramatic improvements in overall peace and calm in her daily life.

“It is worth it. You will come out a different person. It’s amazing… I don’t wake up exhausted anymore, so I’m not miserable all day long.”

– Rebecca

You can hear her full testimonial below:

She improved her sleep

Rebecca used to wake up throughout the night, getting four to five hours of sleep. She would regularly wake up exhausted.

Her improved sleep hasn’t just changed the beginning of her day, but the end of it as well: after getting home from work, she isn’t tired and she has the energy to take care of household chores. “I’m just not going straight to bed every night, like I used to.”

She reduced her irritability

Rebecca’s co-workers notice how she’s changed.”I’m not irritable, I’m not as crabby, I’m just feeling better in general, honestly.”

Before, she would get impatient with her co-workers if she felt they were moving too slowly- now, she’s alright when things slow down. “I can just try and move on now.”

She feels more peace

Rebecca struggled with thoughts and acts of self-harm for nine years. This has not been a problem since her experience with us.

“And I went to treatment for it and everything like that, but this overall helped probably the most, honestly,” she shares.

Learn about our process

If you can relate at all with Rebecca’s past struggles, or know a loved one who can, give us a call at 248-922-9490. You can also listen to more testimonials or learn more about this neurotechnology.

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