“I got my husband back” – James and Charlene’s Story

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An article featured in Stoney Creek Magazine.

    Charlene gave the best gift of love James could have imagined. James had experienced a ruptured aneurysm of the brain. Years after surviving this horrific event, James began to experience many symptoms that can come from trauma. Owning his own business in customer service, James was used to being on top of his game. That all changed when a new stressor occurred. He shared, “That really messed me up mentally; I was losing sleep, losing joy and was completely stressed out. Joy was stolen from my life, and it was horrible.” Charlene encouraged James to try Brain Life Center after hearing about them on a Christian radio station. This was the gift.

   James discovered that this neurotechnology could read his brain waves & mirror them back to him through an audio experience, allowing his brain to self-correct naturally. They placed him in a comfortable chair, connected sensors to his head, and had him listening to his brain live. In a short time, James reported, “My sleep patterns are much better [and] my mood is much better. It was great to have my joy back, and I was excited about doing things I loved to do again.” His wife said, “After the first two sessions, he started sleeping through the night, which was incredible because it had been so long since he had done that. I noticed [his] joy returning. He was much more relaxed, stopped rubbing his head with stress all the time, more focused and clear minded. I got my husband back.”

   With all the stress, Charlene felt their marriage had taken a back seat, “All of a sudden” she said “things are amazing again!” Julie Lamphier, owner of Brain Life Center, said, “There are many tools available to help us improve our health. Everyone needs to be aware of this cutting edge technology that has been a game changer for thousands of clients in the past twelve years. Every member of my family from my 84-year-old mother to my 5-year-old grandson has been through our process. I can’t imagine our lives without it. We are committed to keeping this technology available to our local community.” Looking ahead, James now shares “When you are sleep deprived and you don’t have joy in your life, it throws you into a depression. I am finding myself out of that feeling, so I believe my future will be much brighter.”

   Charlene and James will have a great deal to celebrate this Valentine’s Day. What a beautiful gift James received as Charlene encouraged him to take advantage of this local opportunity.

See dramatic improvements with sleep, anxiety, focus, depression, energy, and so much more. 

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